Lost your spark? Our Chairman’s new book could help you find your mojo

Lost your spark?

We are delighted to announce the release of our Chairman, Brian Morman’s new book, ‘Revitalising Your Mojo’. It’s a fantastic collation of tips and tools that Brian himself has learnt over the years, which have helped him to stay positive in his own life.

Brian’s motivation for penning the new book came after a conversation with a colleague who admitted he was struggling and had ‘lost his mojo’. This is Brian’s second book following his first publication, ‘Your Bigger Future’.

As with his first book, all proceeds will be going to the very worthy Pied Piper Appeal. ‘Your Bigger Future’ managed to raise £500 for the charity and we’re all hoping that ‘Revitalising Your Mojo’ will match that (or even exceed it!).

If you’d like to get your mojo back or support a brilliant cause, you can buy Brian’s new book on Amazon.

Please note that the views expressed in the books, ‘Revitalising Your Mojo’ and ‘Your Bigger Future’, are solely those of the author Brian Morman and not those of Brunsdon Financial.

Brunsdon Financial is not responsible for the content of third-party websites.

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Lost your spark?

Lost your spark? Our Chairman’s new book could help you find your mojo

We are delighted to announce the release of our Chairman, Brian Morman’s new book, ‘Revitalising Your Mojo’. It’s a fantastic collation of tips and tools that Brian himself has learnt over the years, which have helped him to stay positive in his own life.

Brian’s motivation for penning the new book came after a conversation with a colleague who admitted he was struggling and had ‘lost his mojo’. This is Brian’s second book following his first publication, ‘Your Bigger Future’.

As with his first book, all proceeds will be going to the very worthy Pied Piper Appeal. ‘Your Bigger Future’ managed to raise £500 for the charity and we’re all hoping that ‘Revitalising Your Mojo’ will match that (or even exceed it!).

If you’d like to get your mojo back or support a brilliant cause, you can buy Brian’s new book on Amazon.

Please note that the views expressed in the books, ‘Revitalising Your Mojo’ and ‘Your Bigger Future’, are solely those of the author Brian Morman and not those of Brunsdon Financial.

Brunsdon Financial is not responsible for the content of third-party websites.